8 Following

Rucy Ban

A writer, an aspiring chef and horse-rider.

$100 GC of Amazon for one lucky winner!

Yes, I’m back with another Friday Freebie!





And this one is HUGE!!! Guys and gals I’m gonna be giving a $100 Gift Card of Amazon to one of the first 80 reviewers of All My Life on Amazon!!! You just have to pop on over to the Amazon site, write your review for All My Life and voila you have a solid chance to win $100!!!Just think of the number of books you can buy with that!:D

SO go on…get this baby home!!!






  1. Entry is valid for reviews posted on either Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk between 21st June and 21st July 2013 only.  
  2. This giveaway is not sponsored in any manner by Facebook, WordPress or Goodreads. This giveaway is the sole responsibility of the author.
  3. Winners will be announced at 5 p.m. EST on 22nd July 2013 via this blog.